Welcome to MBN Sport

At MBN Sport, we believe that brain health is crucial to all aspects of human performance and well-being and we strive to help you optimize your cognitive health and performance by providing access to premier technology and neuro training solutions to rehabilitate and optimize performance.

We use QEEG brain maps, or quantitative electroencephalography, to measure the brain's electrical activity with pinpoint accuracy and individualized neurofeedback to train the specific areas of your brain that need the most attention to function at its best.

Our approach is safe, effective, and drug-free. It's a game-changer for anyone dealing with post-concussion symptoms, athletes looking to optimize their performance, or anyone seeking peak cognitive function. With QEEG and neurofeedback, we're not just treating concussions; we're unlocking the potential of your brain for a brighter, healthier future.

Unleash your potential with MBN Sport!